— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Review of ELSW Formotion Driving shoes for 32 990 re:
He barely had time to dress up, as the car had already come from the parking lot and said, "Sit down, master, we went!" I was pleasantly surprised that even Priora (lowed, of course, to asphalt, with red-painted brake supports in the front and drums in the back, with casting discs and with a spoiler) began to run like a BMW M-ka. The legs themselves press on the desired pedals, and the latter stopped falling, fuel savings - colossal, the crosses paid off on the first day, with such shoes the car just refuses to eat gasoline and feeds on the energy of Space, in general I am happy and recommend everyone to ride in such shoes - you will not regret!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna