— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
Mom passed Raven’s test on Aikyu
WOW: The result came out completely downright, 46 what, she is sitting crying, and she is not stupid at all.
yyy: Go to understand, we start again - the questions five norms made, and then the writer was, the next field with figures opens, and she with a joyful smile ticks into the completely wrong version of the answer and says - look how beautiful it turns out!
My mother is a designer. For all the other questions, she chose the most beautiful answer.
How can you not love it?"

Well, if a person chooses the most beautiful answer to other questions about life... then why be surprised? If a person has not yet learned to read, then 46 is quite high.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna