— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I talked to my son last year.
When are you going on vacation? Come with me in August. We go for a week or two to the village.
-Batya, yes, I wanted to do it myself in August, but Marinka (his girlfriend) ate my whole brain so that I could go on vacation in March. She needs to do that, I don’t understand.
“Listen, daddy, daddy will explain everything to you right now. Is her birthday at the beginning of March?
and yes.
And then March 8th.
Well and what?
And here you appear on the stage, a beautiful man who has just gotten a vacation.
Fuck it!
and here. Father can't be fooled, Daddy in his youth worked as an electrician in a sewing factory. There were thousands and a half of such clever girls.

P.S. Two weeks in the village with my son had a wonderful time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna