— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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from JJ:
The Metro. Not a peak hour, but the people are superb. The entering grandmother (an ancient Slavic coat, cloth, bag-avoska and veil) immediately give up their place. Grandma with a bright smile gets stuck in the corner and begins to hang. Whether it’s socks or baby pants: from my point of view, the item coming out of her hand will be quite suitable for the roarshah test. The audience gently looks at her, recalling something bright from her childhood - a house in the village, candy cakes, walks to the zoo and eggs.
Suddenly an idyllic phone call runs. and mobile. The melodies seem to be somewhat new. The Godfather, without breaking away from the strap, gets a pipe out of the avocado and speaks to the whole wagon: "Lyala! The Doll! I go! Don’t buy a lot of vodka, I’m with you! Take two, two cups - fucking we will feed the neighbors! and no coupe - only luxury, we are no longer at that age".
There is no scene. I can’t stop, I get out of the car. My shoulders are shaking in silent grief.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna