— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате]
Look at it, admin.

He was sitting in the classroom, thinking about the configuration of a new
and cystic. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I am not long
Thinking "who is there?" Through the door, a girl’s voice
New: "I need an administrator I need him documents
It is" I am in Ahuya... Because of the door offended: "Okay
I'll push them to your door - sign and push them.
Back to" I barely fell from the toilet... I say: "Girl,
I’m in a mess here...". She: "Fu, fucking me
I was warned that you were a little weird with us, and then
I’m going to..." and left. I stood up and washed my fruit.
I picked up my papers from the floor and left. I look at
The door...and I almost fall out of laughter. Somewhat ugly
I’ve put my book on it "Server". I turn,
I saw in the hallway of the boss, the expression of his face was
It was as if he had seen his long-lasting grandfather.
I wonder what the boss thought of me? seeing me,
with documents in hand,
Stopping and stopping. What Lia thought.
Student in Accounting?? to
from Ligor

(Arabic )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna