— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Olga: Did you see the candidate of Upyr Roman Yuryevich?
Olga: "Upyr is elected to Irkutsk parliament"
Anna: Ahahahah!!!!! to
Anna: O Lord
In the voice!
I am at work.
You can tell it to everyone. :)
I have two heroes of my youth.
Olga: Roman Yuryevich here and again Boršč Sergey Vasilyevich
Olga: code name "Borst at the meeting"
Anna the poor!
Olga: and about the latter periodically have to write
Olga: "reclamed to journalists Boršt"
Anna: I always knew that journalists can’t do without cocaine!
Not life, but a conversation with holes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna