— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The xxx:
Do you have evacuators?
In France, such a jeep from the lawn leaves in about forty minutes. A call to the police, the pen comes to fix the violation, write a fine, call the evacuator, the evacuator will take the jeep to the penalty parking lot 35 kilometers from the city, where only the electric car to get to and from the station half an hour by foot :) All. A call and an hour of time.
The landlord pays a fine, the cost of evacuation, the cost of parking, a ticket for the electric car and for just a few dozen (near a hundred euros) receives an invaluable experience, which to repeat with him, I assure you, there will be no desire at all.
Everything is cultural, there is no need to drag any weights, and the driver of a cool car is not offended by the lochs that the rams have wrapped up (I am not mistaken in the definition?) is
The police? The car is parked on the grass!!! to
How are you naked? and :(

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna