— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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<xxx>: This is not a facap, but rather, production costs.
<xxx>: We had a builder of one, Sirotha. The guy is not bad, but with alternative thinking and little braking.
<xxx>: They did a repair in an old wooden house in an apartment on the second floor. And there from the former dwellers some cabinets, beds, in general - sludge.
<xxx>: Carrying everything through narrow doors and stairs is fun.
<xxx>: What does our friend Siroz do? The cheese, not thinking for a long time, goes into the car, takes the gasoline there, starts and begins to crush the first bed in cabbage, so that then it would be more convenient to carry it in pieces.
<xxx>: Since the apartment is still under repair, especially it is not targeted and leaves a couple of sprinklers on the floor and walls - a fence, a fence is defended.
<xxx>: And now we change the point of view: the first floor, the living room, the family sit down to dinner a delicious dinner under the TV.
<xxx>: Suddenly, a wild riot comes from the top, a patch hits the heads, and then, like in a horror film, someone begins to squeeze through the ceiling with a gasoline.
<xxx>: The boss then went for a long time to apologize and give money, and Siroj's friend didn't even realize that he did wrong.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna