— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and Fenya:
What do you know about bricks?
and Fenya:
This is when a herd of bulls is carried on you, like in a western, and you stand paralyzed on the road in the middle of the field, the dog clamps to your chest and you see everything as if from the side in a slow shooting.
Fenya: And like the housing problem has finally been solved - concrete blocks are enough for the multi-storey
by Klariss@:
Fenka, you’re not a chronicler, you’re telling how your grandmother was visiting in the village, Nuwa?? to
and Fenya:
And all that! Last year, the female drove and walked the dog on the same road. every day. At the same time, the calf fed that bread with apples.
and Fenya:
In short, the dog they recognized, and hurried to her!1 Growing children
by Klariss@:
Did you eat apples?
and Fenya:
Go to Fuck.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna