— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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More about the lovers.
I work in the field of IT, in my free time I sometimes give acquaintances unbearable hard-soft kindness. I don’t take money not to give a reason to sit on my head. If the request goes beyond kindness, I refuse. Rejection is usually understood. But not always.
A friend comes (a couple of times drunk at fishing) to pick up the resuscitated system block and in a solemn tone says:
Sit down, I have an important thing to do with you. Teach me web design.
This person has not been able to master Excel for many years.
“No,” I answered, “it’s not my specialty, and I don’t have time to teach.
You are a cool computer scientist, you will master this science, it is easy for you! And when it comes to time, do you feel sorry for me for an hour and a half a day? I have no one to turn to!
Why not to whom? Yes, we have full of training centers with professional teachers!
The schedule is uncomfortable for me. I will come to you in the evening.
All courses have an individual schedule.
You are what! Individual schedules cost twice as much. Yes, you are not afraid, you are a computer genius, you will master this labyrinth in two weeks, and then we will do it! We will succeed!
He is caught up like a tick, he does not hear or understand the words "no", but may sound out a crafted script, bumping mantras from guides such as "How to correctly manipulate ticks".
They have to beat them with their weapons. I interrupt :
Listen, I have a great idea! I support a poultry factory in Sosnovka, get there with hemorrhoids. You will drive me! You have a great driver, it will be easy for you! Look, the 2-GIS there is only 20 km straight, but you are with us Schumacher, you catch me faster than the wind! And only some three, four, at most five times a week! Bring it – and free! But don’t go far, I’ll have to go back in 2-3 hours.
But... do you have... Niva-Chevrolet?
Yes, but the gasoline is terrible. Are you sorry for me about 4-5 liters of gasoline a day? Don’t be afraid, we will succeed! Tomorrow and start.
Is it... a joke?
Of course! My joke is yours! It was great, ha ha ha!
I was wrong with you.
I left, insulted by my deceit.
After some time, the insult went in connection with some malfunction, calls for help. I answer - now I can't, call in a month and a half or two, and better in three or four.
It was so wrong.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna