— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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So it turned out that in our office one department is purely female, and the other is purely male.
Men sometimes look at tea and coffee in our kitchen.
By default, in order to drink tea with us, they have to bring something to the table (tea, sugar, cookies).
One here such a sluggish walked a week on the hole, like "forgot, tomorrow I will bring".

In this regard, we had such a conversation (without men) at tea.

- No more Vase tea to pour, - said a 60 year old aunt
- if only for Kunni...lingus, - a girl over 35, famous for her sharp language, entered the dialogue;
For everyone!! (Ton Eugenia Morgunova from "Operation Y" spoken by the chief)

My friend, we did our work day.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna