— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

I have a joke here.
I need a cash loan of 50,000. I decided to go to the bank "Pushkin" to see, they are in the neighboring house, nearby. I went to the site, looked at all the conditions, decided on the day to go to them, make an application. In the morning news - the bank "Pushkin" withdrew the license, the bank closed.
Fuck him with him. I decided to go to the bank "resurrection", I have their salary client. I called them, we talked, we decided to go as soon as time comes. after a day or two news: "rebirth" bankrupt, urgently withdraw money from cards and accounts. The hysteria was capricious, the people rushed to shoot the bubble, the rows at the ATMs at the time were. The bank has never closed, but there is still a rumor that the curd is about to come.
In the weekend made an application on the website of GE Money (Ji Mani) bank, they called back, talked to them.
Today, on Monday, news on the Yandex - "Sovkombank buys Russian “daughter” GE Money".

I have a dollar!! You are alive!! I knew!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna