— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Announcement of the sale of the car :)
I support all your suggestions that a car beaten in the back, in the front, in the left, in the right, in the bottom, rolled on the roof, flew through the fire rings under the circus dome and lay on the bottom of the Japanese Sea. The car sailed in sprinter sails 5 to 100 on the shores of California, then in Belarus carried potatoes, in the cabin smoked, drank and even mocked mat, in Russia came hit with a corpse in the trunk. Assembled from three parts, the geometry was held on a solid three (evaluation of Professor Mahmudov). Oil did not change, gasoline poured AI~76, instead of anti-freeze water from under the crane, the box pulls and sometimes even overlooks looking at the slim legs of the girls, painted out of the bottle of divorces like no, pts duplicate with stickers, the numbers are broken, it is desirable to dispose of or sell the spare parts, the salon from Priora, the engine is six-wheeled, the track presses all 100 with a screw in the shower and the salon.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna