— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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“Knowledge is power, France is bacon.”
Knowledge is power, France is bacon.

Who said:
User Lard Baron on Reddit – in a comment to the topic “What word or phrase did you not understand in childhood a little more than fully?” about a year ago.
and #65279;
The context:
“When I was a kid, my father told me, ‘Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon, “Knowledge is power. by Francis Bacon. “Knowledge is power, France is bacon.”
I’ve been breaking my head over the second part for more than 10 years – and what surreal connection was there between the two? If I quoted somebody, “Knowledge is power, France is bacon,” they cried understandably. Or someone might say, “Knowledge is power,” and I end up saying, “France is bacon,” and they didn’t look at me as if I said something very strange, and deeply agreed.
I asked the teacher what “Knowledge is power, France is bacon” meant, and I received a detailed explanation of the first part, “Knowledge is power,” but not a word about France. When I spoke with questioning intonation, “France is bacon,” hoping to get an explanation on this part, the teacher simply said, “Yes.”
When I was 12 years old, I lacked the spirit to ask further. I just took this thesis as something that I was not allowed to understand. It was only years later that I saw that phrase written.”

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