— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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History of 02.11. 2013 for the Huntsman. Sorry for the error. It was not 1979 or 1969.
It was.
1975 year. The USSR, Soviet Army, RWSN, Belarus, p/o Myshank, 100 days before the order.
We, the sergeants of the service division of 5 people, the Urals, decided to celebrate this event with peelmen. For the manufacture and eating of those was determined a training boiler near the barracks.
The pellet farce was decided to buy in the shop of the officer town during the cult march in the cinema. In the store should wash during the session the one who was comfortable, and buy 2 kg of shrimp. After the film, returning to the battery, they found out that they could all. 10 kg of farce. I understood why the saleswoman looked at me this way: I was the last one who could.
Muku was decided to take at our bakery, which was commanded by a familiar sergeant.
And then came Sunday. We gathered in the cottage. A warrior comes and brings a bag of torture! To our words that we need a bag, not 50 kg, the warrior answers: “A bag is ordered. I will not take it back.”
Pellets were glued in the size of a fist and in the amount of a sheet of fade 2x2 meters.
In the evening, after extracting 3 bottles of local samsung, we gathered in the boiler.
Cooked peelmen on a small electric platter for 2 hours. While the peelings were cooked, the selfie was drunk. The second batch of forces was no longer there, so they decided to eat the remainder of the peelings the next day.
After hiding the bottles in the chimney, we returned to the battery, where we went to sleep. One of Us (Vadik Balandin, Hello!) In the evening on the way to the toilet was caught. The Deaf Lieutenant. Staley, being under the flies and himself, did not raise the bull, but gathered us all five countrymen and found out from the battery guard where we were, led us to the scene of the crime. Having seen a sheet of petals and not finding the bottles, he sealed all the doors with a personal seal and went home to the town.
All night we tried to penetrate into the boiler to remove flour and peelings. But could not. In the morning, after the divorce, our combat, Major Kostyuk, gathered us all and declared: "Ural peelmen without vodka will not be eaten. If there was a pelmeni, then she was drunk. If there was a drunk, then 5 days of lips to each. High Lieutenant Deaf. We refused: there were no pelmeni, the starley was drunk and he thought it all!
Arriving at the boiler, the starley checked the seals and opened the boiler. First came the combat, we followed, representing a seat on the garrison lip.
On the leaf of the fanery sat a healthy, red RICE. She turned over her shoulder and asked, “Why are you here? “There was no pelerine!” No suffering for a little!! From the bag was left a bastard. Stallone just cried. Then we cried out, “We said it was a joke! We did not believe it!!“!”
Combat said, “Old Lieutenant, you need to drink less! The officers are free.”
After that, the life of the rats in the boiler began!!! We fed them and did not touch them.
Anyone who recognizes himself is greeted!
Ch K

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna