— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From Grosslarnakh:
Understanding how a boy’s life will develop is not difficult. You give him a designer, with a beautiful car on the box, a bunch of iron parts: screws, all kinds of screws, wheels and iron axes, and you evaporate down. If a child begins to give birth to a car, everything will be fine. If he takes two iron axes and puts it in the socket - the boy is ahead of a life rich in adventures, filled with plunder, about which there will always be something to tell.
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From the personal experience and experience of acquainted students of universities: electricians at the age of 4 to 6 years were electric (they themselves were spikes or scissors in the socket); psychologists in 95% of cases have psychological abnormalities more serious than others; economists from childhood have worked with parents for money; lawyers have always been fools; many translators with their native language are not in order; writers with their own feelings have conflicts or complete ignorance of them.
And you are talking about boys with designers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna