— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently drove a young man to the subway. I am on the way, he is in a hurry, why not do a good thing... We come in, he takes out the wallet, begins to squeeze money, I tell him, money, say, don’t need, I am on the way, it’s not difficult, and so on. He thanked, smiled, but left a small amount of money in the room. Okay, not bad either. This case reminded me of another thing I want to tell you.
Sometimes quite late in the autumn, already a dark late evening, I was driving down a shallow suburb. From the sky comes something. It is cold, dumb...Neither in front nor behind the cars can be seen. The speed is not very high, but not the city. I pass by a lonely voting figure standing by the side. He flew, pretended, how long this voter would still stand, turned, returned, turned again. I stopped. Suitable for a woman. I see it frozen specifically. I say, “Sit down, cold, no matter where, but at least to a more busy place I will take you.” The Village. The oven is full, it is stunning. “Oh, thank you, I’m late on the bus, tra-ta-ta, la-la-la,” and all that. She told me that she is a medical worker, here, today is her birthday, a little late at work, noted, forty minutes stands, nobody stops (even, stands on the turn, in the dark...). I ask, “Where are you in principle?” Name the settlement. I say to her, “No, I’m going to curl a little earlier, and maybe not before him, but on the illuminated track I’ll take out.” We go. Suddenly she said to me, “And we went to my birthday, we’ll drink... tea, we’ll sit down, then we’ll be...” No, I say, thank you, of course for the invitation, I appreciate, very pleasant, but at home, you know, wife and children loved are waiting, in general, I can't. And here she’s on me like... no, not what you thought, but quite the opposite: HIDDY! She is swollen, resentful with all her appearance, proudly turns away, shakes her shoulders. I was somewhat stuck. I think I had the full moral right to get her out of the car, and let her blow on the side. But did not stand. He drove to the proposed place, to the outskirts. She walked out silently, but knocked off the door. I sit like a bag on the tail knocked. That is, it turns out that I did a good deed, and in response I did not hear a simple “thank you” (not to mention “thank you very much”), but received a treatment, as if I had been struggling to her all the way. In full growth worked the principle that “no good deed remains unpunished.” In general, I considered this case study just a fun incident, smiled, sympathized with that woman, and went home. Do good, people will be counted.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna