— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The confident lady:

#if 0
I never thought I would hear that with my own ears.

She: back we flew slowly, seven hours, not six, because we were on the other side.
She: Well, the earth rotates, it creates wind, the plane is harder to fly.
and endif

You will find it hard to believe, but the girl, in general, is absolutely right. Of course, you don’t know the terminology – well, what you want from it. There is such a very specific concept as predominant winds, which is part of the circulation of the atmosphere on a planetary scale - which in turn depends on the rotation of the Earth a little more than entirely. Gugliem, what is the wind and the power of Coriolis, for example, we go to Wikipedia - "Western winds of the moderate belt". Of course, the notion of a "plane to fly harder" is not quite true: the aircraft moves in the air and the speed has a constant relative to the air mass in both directions - that is, from the point of view of the flying aircraft, the wind does not exist at all: it moves in calm air, and this "calm" air, in turn, moves relative to the earth's surface. The problem of a boat floating in and against the current, physics, class 6. But yes, from the point of view of the observer on the ground/shore, the aircraft/boat move against the wind/flow "heavier". In this case, the airport of destination acts as an observer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna