— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The average Russian man brushes his teeth with a Finnish toothbrush, squeezes on it a German toothpaste, shaves with an American shaver, sits in the kitchen of the Swedish Ikea, drinks Brazilian coffee, wears an Italian suit when he leaves the apartment, closes the entrance door to the English castle and goes to work in a Japanese car. When riding on the Russian road, speaking in Russian and traveling around the country’s cottage trees and shrubs, he turns on a Japanese radio receiver and listens to the songs of the First Channel “Voice” contest in English. At work, he climbs into the office on a Dutch elevator, enters the office with the label "merchandising department", turns on an American computer with "Windows", enters the Internet created by the Americans, enters the web address of the native social network in English letters, and after getting into his account writes on the blog: "We will not let the damned West enslave our Russia."

There is no logic in this, but there is a place of patriotism.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna