— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the discussion of the video about the Fall Basjamper:

XX: We, the Gagars, are unavailable for pleasures, fools, such. We do not jump from the breakout, breaking our eggs at the sharp cliff, breaking our spines and losing our feathers. But we look at these brave, brave bas-jump storms, in general, with approval. Where do we go to see or enjoy it? Just looking at the crazy, the brave and the powerless. And then we run to the slopes, the body fat to hide...
YYY: Wait for you!! It was about the Penguins!!! to
There were penguins, there were! We do not deny it. But they self-eliminated, hiding the fat body in the rocks. And only the Gagar will remain, those who are unavailable to enjoy the thirst for battle, because they are frightened by the thunder of strikes, the lightning of arrows, those who are extinguished in the swamp.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna