— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
I ordered the goods. I go to the website of the office, and I do not find the appropriate subgroup in the catalog. I call the managers:
I wanted to order the goods, but did not find it in the catalog on the site, can you help?
M is good day! We have an update of the site. Let us check. Go to Start Control Panel-Screen-Tab Parameters!
I (in confusion) Mmm... I went in. And what next?
What is your screen resolution?
I 1440 to 900.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to view the catalog. You need at least 1280 to 1024.
I am OK. thank you...
Reasons and consequences to find out how it did not want to...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna