— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Whoever was in the army does not laugh at the circus. and c)
There was a store near my house, the owner closed it and bought nearby a more spacious one. Literally 15 meters. The old all along and across is covered with paper "We moved to the neighboring store!", "The store moved - look to the right!", "The store is 15 meters to the right of you!".
People go, hiccups, say, for what idiots this is written...
I am an admin who has moved the site twice. I am not funny.
Most people, even if they cross the screen (street) to hang a transparent with letters, the size of the head, that the site (store) moved and where exactly, and let the line running on the contour... still sit on the ass and start hysterically looking around, break into the closed doors and whistle "Where is everything? Where did they move? Why didn’t they say?"... If you knock your nose into the inscription they will say "Oh, and I didn’t notice..."
This paradox stands at second place after the question of why women’s toilets are always in line.

c) Maelinhon

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna