— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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-The contract engineer at work told (a man 65 years old), how they in Soviet times with friends, already mature people, when gathered in guests, first ate all kinds of snacks from the holiday table, and then after a couple of hours quietly came out of the table and went to the staircase.

The instinct is working.)

Listen to further. On the staircase they laid out a newspaper on the window, put a bottle, glasses, a bowl of black bread and bulbs.
They poured, cleaned onions from the peel, broke bread, boiled and ate bread with onions.
as the man expressed: "we were tired of comfort"

Well that’s all right now.)

I then smiled at myself and thought of what a slug, and then remembered my traditional DoShirak at 6 o’clock in the morning after a massive bill and was ashamed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna