— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is not a joke, but pure.
The Truth!
Last Thursday (C)
I went to see if yes.
by KAG. At the entrance to the village gate.
The Chinese Castle at the gate
The Russian chain. I put the key in
The Frozen Castle and Two
Fingers broke the key.
The interior of the castle remains.
No access to the territory (
There are no Bulgarians nearby.
Connect to. I went to the hostage,
I bought a metal knife and three.
The Chinese bilateral.
Pilate Pilate, Pilate Pilate
scratches on the shell. All six
Chinese drinks about Chinese
The torch brought out. He thinks what
High quality Chinese
The castles. A guard appears.
He looks, goes on guard and
Bringing a Russian
The painting. Drawing the debris
Cut in 30 seconds.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna