— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The eight-year-old son of my friends plays Go. If you don’t know, this is an ancient Chinese game. On it, as in chess, regularly organized tournaments with all attributes: places, grades, etc. Children are often rewarded, and they have been rewarded. Diploma for 2 places in the children's city competitions in Go.

And also the son of my acquaintances is studying in a good high school on Vasilyevsky Island. In this gymnasium there is a tradition - at the end of the academic year on the final line children are awarded for different merits with diplomas from the school. For this purpose, parents are asked to bring all their diplomas received outside of the school. in circles, sections, etc. Everyone is rewarded for the same from school. My friends also took my son’s diploma to school.

Then came the final call and the final ambulance. The father of the family comes home after work, and the son welcomes him with joyful cries: "Daddy, Daddy! I took second place in the city's civil defense competition! Please tell me what it is!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna