— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is right, Ivan. The main thing is to stand firmly on the position "There is one right opinion, and it is mine". Stay on objectivity. Life shows that people will agree with you, the main thing is not to retreat a millimeter. Example for the hardness of position.
We have a grandmother in our group. Not a boss, not a merited senior comrade. He knows best in all areas. He speaks rude. Openly indignant: "Damn, again she/he disputes!" regardless of the significance of the argument.
Her birthday happened. Everyone so formally congratulated, the cake refused under various pretexts. She was attacked by melancholy. He stood in a cigarette and filled up with a compliment. Life has gone in vain, I am stupid, I am old, nobody loves me, no new dress goes.
No one argued with her. I got my own. You will get it, Van.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna