— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

Take up arms.
My child is 7 years old, 1 class. Early year expectation.
at a certain time, on the phone of the child, whispering, a contact is made with the name "Father Christmas". (The phone number of your friend) The text is discussed in advance. And now comes the moment of the "unexpected" call...
First, the child sticks into the phone and tries to understand who is calling, then he will respond and understand that his eyes and knowledge of letters have not failed him. A short greeting, wishes and so on. The Santa says that he has already come to him, but he did not find and therefore left the gift in a certain place, where the child, of course, finds it. while the child is doing the gift - we wipe the call and contact from the phone.
Do not forget to bring a camera or camera. The head is guaranteed.

A couple of years ago he did the same to his mother, who is 42 years old. He bought a few small gifts (a box of candy, a nail bar, etc.), hid them around the apartment along with notes where to look for the next gift, renamed himself in her phone to Santa Claus and sent a message that if she thinks she was a good girl this year, then let her go and look under the tree. After some confusion, my mom went to check what was under the tree. Then for another 5 minutes with children's enthusiasm and laughter ran around the apartment and found gifts. I rarely saw her so happy. Surprises are not only loved by children. All are good.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna