— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From a comment on a blog:
The most delightful thing I’ve seen is that in the MAI shelter, all the walls and doors of the cabin were glued with headings from the “truth” and the local “propeller.” In the toilet aspect it was very rugged to read something like: "You give 100 tons above the plan!", "Be a striker", "Are you in your place?", "No matter the weather" or "From the screw!", "Your front is here", "Student, manifest yourself". Or quite ambiguous: "Not a step back!", "As in the mine field", "Stand up and run", "Cleaning workers do not cope", "Clearly not where...";
And my friend Uncle Zhenya sent me a charter of guard service with holes rolled along the root and a characteristic shape hole in the root, so that it would be convenient to hang on the nail. And it was from the sort of report "A ha-ha! The guard dog!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna