— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>>>I ask you, as soon as the snow begins to melt NEVER in one city you can not cross a single road without forcing a railroad...

Dear compatriot, I am suffering from the universal problem! But all the urban planners seem to have a magic word out of their brains "drenage". Instead of digging the pipe (here and then laughing) the pipe from the pile to the nearest pile, they roll the pile with a bunch of pile, as a result of which it moves to the nearest low. And so they chase this unfortunate hole all over the neighborhood. And the roads? Instead of making them spongy in the middle, they make them like a cork. I was at the reception with the city architect, I said: "Our town is easy to dry, you don't need millions of rubles, just give a brigade of workers with thorns and scissors." The architect mumbled about the tender, the municipal order... so we whisper

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna