— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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“Whatever they do, they don’t do.
Their mother gave birth on Monday.

The old KGB Ashnik Yuri Tarasovich told me the story of how hard it is to live in the world for thieves and robbers of all kinds, because any movement of their body leaves even insignificant but traces.
However, it all depends on the desire and qualifications of the examiners themselves.
A few years ago, this was the case in Moscow:
An elderly couple decided to buy a car on an advertisement. Not new, but quite serious, more than a million rubles.
Someone, somehow, learned about it and on Sunday, on the eve of the deal, while the owners were in the country, their apartment was carefully opened by three previously convicted musketeers.
They opened up and began a thorough search. Something was found, but not a million, so the villains decided to stop and wait for the masters to tell them:
Okay, we are giving up. So where did you hide the money?
Running forward, I will say that at this point their plan was quite successful - the villains suddenly attacked the returned masters, tied the unfortunate to chairs and almost immediately learned - on which frontsole lies what they need.
At the same time, the bandits seized some kindness, wished the robbed a peaceful night and quietly left.
Fortunately, the owner managed to get out quite quickly, he unleashed his wife and called the police.
And ten minutes later the opera group broke in and found out that there was no evidence at all, even crying.
The victims did not see the faces (the robbers were all the time in masks), according to the talk, apparently not Moscovites, flyers, and not vegetarians (because the sausage in the refrigerator was eaten by swallows), in general, all the rich evidence.
And most importantly, all day, from morning to evening, while they were waiting for their victims, none of them ever removed their gloves.
Well, the telecast was watched, well, the music was listened quietly, the magazines were listed, and unfortunately, none of them broke the passport. How will you find such? What is the passport? They didn’t even phone anywhere.
He is hanging, he is hanging.
The survey of the neighbors also did not give much: - "It seems that there was some gray "Gazel" in the courtyard, or maybe a "Tyrus", who knows him? And now she is not there.”
Of course, no one remembered the numbers, and were they at all?

The circle of people who knew about tomorrow's deal, too, is not clear, the owner even at work boasted that on Monday morning he buys himself a "bowl".
This story could have ended without beginning, if that evening, in the opera group accidentally did not find a single green student of the police school. This was his first day of investigative practice.
And since at the lessons of criminology he was taught that there are no unrevealed crimes, and the concept of "hanging" was invented by the giftless and deceitless, our student was very surprised by the lack of exploration enthusiasm in the older comrades and began to act on his own.
He started looking for traces: in the refrigerator, in the garbage can, on the balcony, under the door carpet and even in the toilet.
Just the trainee firmly mastered the theory that traces must necessarily be, and sought them, while experienced colleagues were engaged in writing and talking on the row.
Slowly, the student reached the stand with the equipment: columns, amplifiers, receivers.
Everything is not cheap, but the bandits did not deceive, it was painfully heavy and bulky.
And by the fact that the controls were not in their places, the owner realized that these Bremen musicians also included his equipment.
The trainee pressed the button, the music sounded, he looked at it, and it was played by an internet receiver.
He went into the receiver menu and saw a list of the last listened stations.
And there, among different "chansons" and "Russian pops", two very interesting stations were discovered, one called "Ryazan wave", and the second - "Rupor Ryazan".
And after an hour and a half, the gray "Gazel" with a fierce brigade, "received" at the entrance to the glorious city of Ryazan.
You say “hanging.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna