— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Tasks not for adults:

In the mathematics textbook for 1st grade, my child had the task:
Continue the sequence: cat - 3, donkey - 2, cock - 8, cow -?, duck -?, dog -?"

The problem could be solved only by the children who did the lessons themselves. Mothers, fathers, and grandmothers have long been outraged by the meaningless tasks. My friends, whom I gave the task, also broke the brain.
cat - 3 (miu), donkey - 2 (ia), cock - 8 (ku-ka-re-ku), cow - 2 (mu), duck - 3 (krea), dog - 3 (gaw)

and morality is simple - problems from children's textbooks let's solve to children, not to yourself, children, as a rule, this problem really solve, and adults googled... as a result, your child in a couple of years will stumble over the fingers equation, because of the problem. You get used to everything you do.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna