— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and nervous:
A girl with a high self-esteem:

I will uncover the secret of the "born" literacy.
At school, I had a lot of trouble learning the rules of Russian.
The secret is simple - a bookcase at home, filled with adventure literature collected by mom and grandfather. And access to the children’s library, which was in the house, through my grandfather gave books to the house... I grew up as an idealist with pink glasses in front of my eyes, but I never in my life had any doubts about how to correctly write a word or another and where to put a bracelet.

You just lick yourself. It is well known that children who read a lot write more literally than those who read a little, but they do not have innate literacy. Congenital literacy is a talent that is extremely rare. Does the word "born" have any other meaning? And it is almost impossible to lose it, especially under the influence of some incomprehensible chapter there. There are also great doubts about your "learning" and "dictations".

High self-esteem has nothing to do with this, the girl is right. It is obvious that when you see the word "dog" a hundred times, your hand will not rise to write "sabaka". Just this phenomenon is conditionally called "inherited literacy". And literacy, by the way, innate in the real sense of the word to be and can not at all for understandable reasons, if, of course, not fall into mysticism. If there is something innate, it is, for example, visual memory.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna