— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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...Pushkin to help me, I boldly write - "okyan"!!! The teacher respectively reduces my grade, but I, bringing the book to school, proved to the teacher my right! She explained to me that this was an outdated writing, but she put 5 for the proof! Good teachers!! to

by Navial. In the fifth grade we wrote a composition based on a picture on the fortress of a textbook of literature, where the sister Alenushka sits at the lake. I, as a true daughter of biologists, wrote that the shore grows rocks. The teacher narrated this word, wrote "kamish" and lowered the mark. I came home, clarified with my parents that I did not mistake anything, it was not a mistake, and Vasnetsov described everything quite clearly. Then in the next lesson I had to draw on the board, what the straw from the straw is different. My mark was corrected. True teachers are invaluable.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna