— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and Karelia. A small station.
The active phase of the journey is over, the most boring part remains - the return.
In mid-September, the weather is magnificent, we sit a little at the side of the station, drink beer, waiting for the night train to Moscow.

From Moscow, another tourist arrived on a day train.
Having dropped out of the train and looked around a little, he decided to sit near us.
We met slightly. The rest of his team arrived only the next morning.

Without understanding things, he got a bottle of vodka from somewhere, drank half, fell asleep.
After a while, I woke up, drank a bottle and fell asleep.
Next was the cycle: awakened, half a bottle, sleep...

Closer to the evening, during the next awakening of the comrade, we approach him and warn him: "The nights are cold, and you have to hang here until the morning, set up a tent - you will lie on the ground..."
The man looked at us with a blind eye and said:
“Girls, thank you, of course, but believe it or not – smoke no time.”

We were four, like sharp on the tongue guys, and what to answer - we didn't find...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna