— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A group of Ukrainian saboteurs headed by an experienced agent "Antisvin", mixed with the crowd, crossed the Russian border.... thoughts were heavy... the five previous groups somehow opened up and disappeared, although they went through a long physical and psychological training with the best CIA instructors... At the moment the crowd of refugees was met by one single sick border guard, lazyly clinging to the border column... "Antivins" was noticeably excited - "Today we are lucky", on the faces of the members of the group were mistaken smiles... "Who did not jump - that moscal" - the Russian border guard was tired to pronounce... "This was a failure!" - thought "Antis", "winkle" by jumping together with the rest of the digs on the Ljutov 7.05.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna