— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am a doctor.
A thoughtful man comes today to the reception, complaints about burning during urination, blood noticed more. Everything indicates banal cystitis, urine analysis is done. Explain what, in men, although much less often than in women, but urinary tract infection occurs, nothing terrible.
The man is somewhat ugly.
Then he asks - but at work they had a man alone, hearing about his problem, shared that he was also ill, just a couple of days ago, and he had chlamydia found, and even forbidden to go to work, said, very contagious. (Everything is right, but if in the eye, a trachoma is such a thing).
I explain to him with a blue eye that from a colleague at work he was unlikely to get chlamydia, it is purely sexually transmitted. She explained in detail - the fucking man is not fun. I sent urine to the flora, I prescribed antibiotics - I don't understand anything, what else he needs, what is dissatisfied?
Finally, after all my detailed inquiries, I gave birth - and my wife has the same thing, I went to the doctor today...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna