— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Discussion of dog mothers in families with children.

Malyuska: She was very bad because she was constantly running into the stream. I broke, pulled out, digged no hile and ran away anyway. Even from the locked house in the fortress :D then sneaked. Then we tortured the puppies to distribute (if we were able to leave). Sometimes my dad smelt :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
and on drugs suppressing libido, she had a rush of forces: crazy: even worse.
One day, they were locked up in the house. She pulled out. Then in the winter, the fork scratched the drive, opened. She jumped out, ran into the course for the steam, and there the glass fell into the snow, broke. Cut his feet. It was all in blood. Everything is flowing blood. The evening. There was no paying service at the time. I thought in the morning. He barely knocked his tail. We went to the bathroom, wearing it for 10 days, wearing it for 10 days. Plastic was lying. But is bound.
I was given other medications so that there was no libido. 3 days after cleaning. He was carried to the toilet on his hands, supported, could not stand.
She grabbed the rope and stumbled. I’m back in the box again :facepalm:
pregnant anyway
FIGASSE: And who of you is willing to go out into the fortress to get pregnant? and ;-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna