— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They lived in the woods for four days in tents. According to the forecast, it is the sun, then the rain. I was pulled to the parking lot last and I got a place for the tent on the top of the hill - on the far side, the rest stood up in the bedroom. I pulled a tent, two clothes, ropes and offered to stretch it all over the parking lot so that the water could flow along the edges. I was bordered with my rack proposals, got the moth of their rope (50 meters), another tent ("far better and more expensive than your shit"), stretched the rope around the perimeter of the parking lot and placed their tent and clothes. My "gone-tent" was put on the roof for wood - and that's fine. My hints that it is better from the sun to stretch, and from the rain better, nevertheless, the house simply ignored. It rained - the structure began to hang and flow on the junctions. The city collapsed - it almost broke into the fire at once. The whole crowd grabbed the drainage with false means, held the tents in their hands, periodically spilling the accumulated water from them until everything was over... "Listen to the woman and do the opposite". The fire saved. The wood too. Washed it all. Silence went into the tent. Up there :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna