— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From VKontakte.
The Black Mirror
Sorry, but you have to know the truth. Late at night, between 2 and 3 o’clock at night, go to the bathroom, never turn on the light, take a lighter or light bulb with you. Close the door behind you and stand in the dark, turn your face to the mirror, for 5 minutes try to look in the mirror in the outer dark, then try to light the lighting / scream with a light bulb, but only once, if you fail, then immediately, immediately open the door and as quietly as possible, without making abrupt movements, leave the bathroom and turn on the light. If you succeed... well, you will learn and learn a lot of new things, but I once again apologize to you for this.

The stones:
I saw my brother. Should it be?

I did everything as written, but I did not see your brother. Probably mistaken in something...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna