— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here is how:

You know, you’ve been in your own Russia!
I live in Israel. In the summer, you can still wash with cold water. In winter (well, yes, +10, but the houses are not heated) you need to turn on the boiler, wait half an hour, turn on the bathroom heater, wait another 10 minutes, then you can wash. And for a long time under hot water you will not fall, because there are still family members on the turn, they also need water. And at the end of the month, you quietly shrink from the electricity bill of $ 100-200.
I come to my relatives in Russia, so twice a day in any weather I just meditate for half an hour under a hot shower, because it’s KAIF!

Of course, you don’t pay for water and electricity (two times a day). Congratulations, you are a Jew.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna