— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will support:

It depends. The acquaintances live in a townhouse with a closed courtyard, all the children play there on their own, the parents only look out the window and sometimes go out. Just like in the old Soviet times.
The initial claim was that the child could get into a dirty pit. Although generally speaking, this bark does not harm the child in any way (unless the immunity is weakened, but this means that the problem is not in the bark). And cleaners continue to grow allergens.

It was a case 10 years ago. He was in hospital for examination (17 years old, the military commission sent) with his peers. At night in the dining room you will find no one, so they drank tap water, and nothing... only one guy, who grew up on boiled water, after the first glass of a day and a half did not get out of the toilet.
I am for what? Don’t raise the green children!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna