— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:

> (about smokers) No one is bothering, you say? Someone because of you can’t walk quietly on the street.

I haven’t been like that for a long time, thank you. So the traffic jams near you do not bother, and you live next to the factory, but here the smoker is the real evil :D

= = = = = = = = =

Yes to PJ.
As a counterargument, you should shout under the door of your apartment, and to your outrage, you should answer:
"It hasn’t been so long ago, thank you. So the garbage and dirt on the street do not bother you, and you do not live in the most ecologically clean country, but here is the rage under your door - the real evil.

Do not be upset after that. I have justified my right to knock you under your door.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna