— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I cannot be silent:

> comrades with a cold compot for the child.
There is such a thing as hardening.
The child once drank a cold compot - well, let's say, his throat got sick.
I drank once, and again, and many more times © - and became resistant to cold drinks.

I don’t want to argue with the fool, but in light of the quarrel about concepts of upbringing of offspring it turned out that there are quite a lot of parents here, with the enthusiasm of testing the strength of their own children.
Thus, hardening is carried out only for children who have not been sick before at least one month of ARI and ARVI. First, rinse the throat with water at a temperature of 36-34 degrees. Reducing the temperature every 3-4 days by 1-1.5 degrees, ultimately bring it to 10-8 degrees.

The hunter sits in the tram and puts his gun on his knees, directing a dool on the neighbor.
Be careful, or you will shoot.
Well and what? I will charge again.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna