— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Vio3241 20.06.14 at 11:01 pm
by Karl-Ieronim
Clothing for Android:
In such pants always a bunch of pockets of all shapes and sizes. You can customize the colors of the fabric and the strap on the width as you like, you want to leave the standard lightning, you want to hang the shutter lock or to weld everything. Likewise, you can always ask for rum on your jeans from a tank blanket, but don’t be surprised if suddenly going to work in the morning your legs will suddenly be bound by a belt or ropes. Often the pants are completely worn out during the day and if you do not have spare at work, then you will go home without pants.
Clothes for iOS:
Stylish pants with arrows, until recently, were only one standard size, so they either fit you or not. However, the next version is promised to be made in several sizes. The style of the pants can be only one, but you can choose different belts for them in numerous accessories stores. By themselves, the pants can only perform one function: to look good you need to pay $1.99 to remove $3.99 and to open the width will cost you $5.99.
Clothes for Windows Phone:
Sponge Bob would be pleased! They are square. A square waist and trousers, a square width that opens only to the middle. In the official store you can choose from three different belts the one that you like the most. Some say that the pants on WP are very comfortable, probably they just have square legs.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna