— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am very sorry for those who live in % CITY% and get to work in % COMPANY% every day and then back. I lived so, and in order not to get into heavy traffic jams, I had to go to work no later than 6.45 in the morning. From work at the earliest at 7 p.m. The alternative was to drive 1.5-2 hours in one direction.

Now I live closer to work, but I still regularly stood in traffic jams. Even leaving the house at 7.30 in the morning. In the end, I switched to a bicycle, at least for the summer. Yes, to drive longer, but yet guaranteed, no blockages. And the species is much better.

In any case, people here go and go and go. They literally leave. Infrastructure is no longer enough for everyone.
If you think this is again about non-ferrous, then you are mistaken - this is one of the "travellers" in San Francisco shares its experience ;)
Z is. Then the ventilator started to shut down, a mess.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna