— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About "Fighting with Smoking"
“You are naive, Anchutka,” African finally spoke after a long silence. Fighting and destroying are not the same thing. I’ll tell you more: in politics, it’s generally straightforward.
You must, let’s say, spoil the people... Well, and declare the struggle with alcoholism... We must shake up the discipline – declare the struggle for its strengthening... And they are destroyed, Anchutka, in a different way... They are destroyed like this: bat – and not! No noise, no struggle... There was an unclean force – there is no unclean force. You don’t believe it – look out on the wall, the decree hangs on the wall: not here... Cancelled from today. Number and signature..." (E. Lukin)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna