— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148585

Maybe the split of the personality, or maybe it is more convenient for him to weigh the pros and cons. Some by this method the paper is scratched and printed. Text is better perceived, some sound is better absorbed. There are no normal, there are no examined.

I got official permission to talk to myself and the surrounding objects at work.)))
Did the boss say you are suffering? I see you’re an auditor, you work better. Speak to!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148584
Write down: if a creature fits on a palm, lives in a mushroom house and wears a red cap, it is a pus. And if it is a buggy, with a height slightly lower than a person, but exactly as much in the shoulders, with a beard-cut and a hammer, then it is a dwarf.
In the next lecture, we will carry out a comparative characterization of mermaids with sea virgins.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148583
A familiar dogwoman told: a aunt came to them in the dressing with a pitbull and complained that he said, did not listen and figuratively expressed, sat on his head. (The case is classic, a young family acquires a dog, then for some reason they give it to their parents (in this case to this aunt), well, that’s all.

Cinologist - such a brave tough shepherd ryan took the job. Pitbull instantly passed through the chip, played out the most unfortunate dog, hid for the mistress and almost cried. Aunt stumbled on a filmologist in the style of "it's not a soldier for you and here's not an army mustra", "my legs will not be here anymore" and left, pulling a pupil behind her. The acquaintance says that this cunning dog ass flirted with the hostess, looked at the trainer with disgust, smiling into the whole pitbull and barely showed him the fake.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148582
XXX: What to do if the game often flies out just during the game, and during the saving always flies out the game
YYY: Hi, Klitschko

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148581
I am also a child of early development. For example, I didn’t crawl at all, and at 6.5 months I just got up and went. Apparently, to get to the couch, fall on it and grow a pulp, because now I am all lazy))))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148580
I can tell you, by the way, as a practising doctor, who also sometimes goes to doctors, I can confidently say that some doctors are just pizz&c... sorry for the bustle, hurt.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148579
Irko: You understand, dear, the idea of spending less is absolutely alien and even unnatural to the female mind. For millions of years of evolution, who were we? The collectors. This makes sense for a mammoth hunter to chase a mammoth less and to take off less hands, turning it into food. But collecting not all the available bananas or ignoring half of the mammoth makes no sense. It makes sense to dry, salt and turn the compot. so I can’t save in the sense of "not spending", I can "buy more for the same money".

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148578
13th_ka7ahe4: I can't see the connection.
Yaxa: You understand, Daddy drinks rarely, even very rarely, but markedly. But as he drinks, he immediately runs to clean the sewage under the dishwasher in the bathroom. I, Grith, can’t be sober – it’s muddy.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №148577
>>> It is also interesting that none of the patients suspected anything. During his medical practice, the sanitary did not receive a single complaint on him.

The same feeling when the sanitary is better than doctors :-D

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148576
<Calendula> I want him to pay attention to me, but I don’t know how to approach.

Do as I do, always be in the field of sight, bend your elbows under 90 degrees, blink non-synchronously and scratch with one eye.

<Calendula> I can’t cut with one eye.

<Royal > Yours> Yes? %&j with him, cut two.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148575
The wife teaches French, on which occasion we look at "The Phantom woke up" in the original. In the scene, where the boy in the hotel packs Zhuu with his shoes, suddenly - a native sound. Scuco, we switched the trail three times until we realized that the guest in the hat originally spotted de Funes in Russian!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148574
There is no launch hook in the tanks. The Pedal. Press to shoot the enemy. And he is curly. This is psychologically correct.
I broke up...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148573
In Tula, there are 3 sects - weapons makers, sprinklers and samovarovars. Everyone keeps their secrets from others. How do I know the device of the weapon?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148572
Here they decided with their son to review one of the series about Cat Leopold - "Summer C.L.". There was a scene when they painted the wall of KL’s house. I sat down and fell from the couch of laughter. These animals wrote: Leopold - an evil coward, go out a goat, Leopold - a crocodile :)))
I have watched this series so many times. As a child, I never read these words.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148571
The Deboscher should just get out of the plane.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148570
What is your name?
If you change the first letter in my name, you will get the name of the male organ.
Uncle what?
No to Denis.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148569
Among them there are many worshippers.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №148568
Memories of Professor V.A. Evstigniev.

A professor of mathematics prepared a book for publication. Reviewers found inaccuracies in the manuscript, the professor spends sleepless nights looking for correction. The editor is already rubbing and mosquitoing - the deadlines are burning. Ufff! Ready for printing! But at the last minute, as it always happens, there is a devil from the tobacco. The book is in a solid interwoven and should be covered with (colored!) The illustration. But there is no illustration, first, nobody knew, and secondly, we are mathematicians, not lyricists, we do not know!

Calls from the Presidium: How are the powers occupied? I have to print the works of the Academic X to the XX-year-old!!! to
In short, editor, if you do not solve the problem by evening, then let us let you together with the author "through the circle"!! to

The editor curses the day he agreed to the job, but what to do? Running to a familiar artist, he resolves the question for a bottle of vodka. The book is printed, the edition is published, Hurra!

The heated professor, shaking hands takes the first copy from the package, on the cover is drawn, as some gentlemen in frakes and cylinders walk through the forest.

The title of the book: The Count. The trees.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148567
In Davos, Dvorkovich said that we have no oligarchs, but there are successful managers who earn 200 thousand. Baks per day, producing gas, oil and Rolls-Vas. In 2017, the Forbes list of billionaires increased by 25% to 96. And we must be grateful to all these people, because only thanks to them the average wage in the country is growing confidently and continuously, and otherwise we would live poor even by statistics.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148566
How interesting...
And I have a child with a childhood disability, with a brain damage. He does not know how to read, writes Karakuli, officially untrained... and knows the flags of countries without mistake and repeats my lessons in Chinese... word, phrase for hearing and translation. And remember them even three years ago...In China, no one thinks that a child is sick.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna