— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №34198
Together with the whole world, the people of Karaganda ask:
You are where?
They answered:
I am here.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №34197
Singles: I want to accumulate money and remove all the moles. And the fat.
A to remove?
Lonely Ones: Let’s go!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №34196
I just watched the picture: a light-salladed bush is driving, and behind him is a man on a Soviet motorbike, in a hat of uchanke (nothing that is on the street a month of 40 degrees of heat) and runs into the matyugalnik "Zayat, for-a-ayats, do you hear me?"
Falling into precipitation

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №34195
The people need spectacles and bread.
Why are you not walking naked with a button?

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №34194
I think that "College" is intellectually a higher definition.

Like two professors.

You are right, I suppose.

My husband and I cleaned the toilet yesterday.

Thou art thou,

And you know, we didn’t agree about Kant.


It was difficult to decide whether to lubricate the canteen with a hermetic or put a foam.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №34193
No one can hurt as much as the woman you love. c) Sj

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №34192
Just, from a conversation in the company, Husband (M), Wife (G):
by J. Oh, you just don’t know him! I was drunk yesterday.
Cognac, I fell into bed and began to offer me such nonsense!
So you agree already that although I drank one green tea, and yet I agreed to everything...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №34191
I had a teacher Gurgenych at the institute. An old film operator who made a lot of good Soviet films and just a cool uncle.
Once he brought us a little movie box for a half-minute lecture.
This, he says, is the most funny thing you’ll see in life (and he didn’t lie) charged the movie camera and pushed the preface:
In the mid-1960s I filmed in Poland: War, Germans, guerrillas. by
Krakow Square filmed an episode of how the Germans shot down our plane, a pilot
He jumped with a parachute, and the Germans with their dogs took him captive.
Duble 1: the cascade jumped and landed. were arrested.
Director: How not that... he smoothly descended, like a saboteur, the viewer will not regret him...
Gurdjieff: What do you want?
Let’s wait for the wind.
Polish translator:- Please sir, we can of course wait, but so for reference, the last time in this place the wind was four hundred years ago, when they built this square, it is also square and around the house.
Then take a break until tomorrow. I organize the wind.
The director called to Moscow, from there to the headquarters of our army in Poland, and by the morning, a choked stuff entered the square, and with it a major with a soldier.
Director: Well, let’s, take off the breeze and show how your fan is blowing.
Major: Comrade director, this car is secret, so I’ll break it up at the last moment before shooting.
Director: And what stream can your carapace give?
Major: Only 10 degrees: from the first weakest to the tenth, but you will not need more than the first.
The Director: Major The general told me that you are doing my orders, and all my words are orders for you! I don’t need to give advice!
The fault, comrade director.
Understand, I need the wind not for a tenth, but for a tenth with a plus, press out all the juices from your column. That it was not just a wind, but a dramatic wind.
The Major said, “There is!” I went to cook the car.
Gurghenich finished the introduction, turned off the light and said, but now you will see the double 2...
The pilot jumped out with a parachute and just like in the first double does not rush down to the square. Suddenly, he seemed to see the Germans... and two meters from the ground, with a wild speed, he flies away first far away, and then, after flying to the houses, blows up from where he arrived. The Germans, as if caught by the air wave of the parachutist, will jump away as inflatable on the bridge along with dogs and a motorcycle. On the opposite side of the area are pressed out (all) windows. The parachutist, thank God, did not suffer, he landed after a couple of quarters, but the "Germans" were silent.
When the director recovered from shock, he asked the major:
What was it?
The major that it was a machine to blow off radioactive dust from combat equipment in the event of a nuclear conflict, and at the tenth level it blows down anything that weighs less than thirty tons. If you don’t need us anymore, let us go to the...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №34190
Question to the Support Service:
– – – – –
Dear Support Service,
I want to save the movie on the disc, but the computer tells me that there is not enough space, so I have to save the label. If I want to watch the movie on another computer, it gives me an error that the file is not found. On my computer, the movie is very good! What is the problem?

With a friendly greeting

Katya Ivanova

The answer:
– – – – –
Dear Katya Ivanova,

You want to put a nork hat in your bag, but it doesn’t fit there.
So you take a sheet of paper and write on it that the shirt hangs in the closet and put the sheet in the bag - it fits there perfectly. But when you get a sheet at a friend's guest and read that the shirt hangs in the closet, do you open the closet and do not find the nork shirt there?
wallet = diskette hat = film sheet = label closet = computer mol in the closet = virus neighbor in the closet = hacker

and ;-)

With a friendly greeting

Service Support

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №34189
In the morning, Comrade Medvedev announced the change of the name of "militia" to "police", because from an etymological point of view the name does not correspond to the purpose.
Is our country burning?
Throw off the scissors and hose. We’re all going to break the tablets and shape the shape.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №34188
XXX is summer. It is hot. The flies. I bought them stickers and hanged them around the apartment. A week later, I realized that there was nothing to do, roying near a rubbish bowl, at least one creature clinged to the tapes. But I realized that I fucked them when I whisked those tapes.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №34187
What does Calvin Klein’s daughter feel when she looks at her father’s name written on cowards when a man is dressed in front of her?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №34186
Her beauty was chaotically scattered throughout her body.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №34185
IIJIaM9I: so that the penis enters the bedroom
Thread: Fuck it
IIJIaM9I: Luggage
IIJIaM9I: a new definition for MS Windows
Orphaned :D
New version of MS! All in one place, all in one place!
IIJIaM9I: The new open-version of Unix...
"OS Analysis - try to enter differently!"

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №34184
A friend works in a household chemicals store... a aunt came up with the question "do you have mosquito ointment from the whole family?"

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №34183
xxxh: I think it is very indicative that of all the faculties of management, we did not manage to organize a party in honor of receiving diplomas.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №34182
X: I can’t breathe that anymore!
Z: Well, you have to breathe through a wet cloth.
X: It does not help.
Z: You probably are holding it wrong.
X: Well, and how to keep it right?
Z: Keep it tight... in your pocket... on the shore of the sea... or in the mountains... Well, or at least, as I am now, in a hotel near Lake Ladoga.
X: I hate you

[ + 105 - ] Comment quote №34181
Too many now spend money they haven’t earned on things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like. c) Will Smith

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №34180
XXX: Who are you studying with?
Serg: For the programmer.
XXX: Oh, it’s probably so difficult that you can go crazy!
Serg: Can I do it? That is the ultimate goal.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №34179
Poor schoolchildren... The works on the topic of “how you spent the summer” will be as terrible as my life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna