— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143944
> The cost of a very rare profession.

That is good. “If you want to become a champion, choose a rare sport,” said one of my acquaintances, a champion of Europe in the sport, very popular with the Chukchi and Eskimo.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143943
At the entrance she meets a neighbor. The conversation begins, as things do, like children, and she says:

My daughter is getting the second grade.

How is? She just finished school for three years and entered the institute.

She was removed from the school; she was already studying in another school.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143942
So we write down: in lovers to ride on someone else’s neck the expression "crack at work" actually means "not doing someone else’s work for free for our joy";

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143941
X: Did I tell you that you are boring?
yyy: 1382 times taking into account the taxable "dare" and "dare", as well as the verbal "dare". With regard to the phrase "nude" - 1566 times. Taking into account the listings, when instead of "needed" you type "dull" - 9621 times.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143940
Vegan: Animals cannot be killed in any way. Even the "human"
Meat-eaters: They must be caught alive.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143939
Nothing is as indicative of health problems as the insured number of the insurance policy.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143938
By profession I am an architect. Often when designing cottages there is a talk about insulation of facades. All the employers are trying to convince me that insulation should be done from the inside of the premises. I prove, according to what I was taught, that on the outside, using a bunch of professional terms such as the depth of freezing, the point of rose, the bridge of cold, etc... After several attempts, I prove my right, but not with little blood and force of conviction.

Recently my cousin Vitalik approached me for advice on the same issue. I came with my wife. They were sitting and listening for a long time, Vitalik couldn’t say, “Why then all that?” and then his wife couldn’t stand (see, a smart woman, even noticed) and gave the following answer:

When it’s cold, do you swallow your jacket or wear it on top?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143937
Marat: In the country he buried the mycelium of white truffle. And suddenly :)
Dmitry: Then you’ll have to buy a pig to look for.)
Marat: What to look for? I remember where I was buried. :D

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143936
So many good books and so little time, so many beautiful women and so little money.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143935
A fun religion

“For every wise man, there is enough simplicity.”
A. The island

I was taken to work in the beautiful city of Baku.
At the same time, a Turkish college friend invited me to see you. He can be driven to Baku from his Istanbul, too, that I can go out for bread, in trains and shuttles.
We sit with my Turk in the car in the old town, we wait for the operator of all kinds of beauty to dream, we sit, we talk about religion. My friend has become a noble theologian, he is not about Islam, he even in Orthodoxy more than any rural father knows, despite the fact that he is a Turk. A scientist became, although in the institute and was a ballbess-ballbess, like me. and what is nice, Russian language, I did not forget, only the accent added.
I listen, therefore, to a lecture on world religions, listen and suddenly say:

"Sorry Sherhan, I'll interrupt you, by the way, I can argue that you don't know the one religion that the Russians have.
- My friend, there are no such religions and even sect in the territory of the former USSR that I would not know. If I start to list it all, we will die of hunger in this car.
So let’s bet you don’t know the most fun one. Whoever disputes, he pays at the restaurant.
- Great, I agree, but you must not just say that there is some fun religion, but that I may be convinced.
Look out the window and see a group of Russian tourists coming here.
I see and what?
They are they.
by Uffala-alla What will you prove?
"Look carefully, now, without reaching us, some of them will start together and in turn sit right here on the ground, while others will laugh and photograph them. Funny is religion.
What kind of nonsense do you say, my friend?
At that moment everything happened as I predicted. Sherhan fed my entire filming group for lunch and, of course, was eager for the details. And I, under a great secret, gave out the main spell of this religion.
Sherkhan, then still for a long time stood in the same place and opened his mouth and watched the Russians passing by, joyfully bowed right on the bridge and spoke the spell - "Fuck the hell..."

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143934
A monarch who loves Nicholas II is like a communist who loves Gorbachev.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143933
Visitors ask to suggest the road, and you don’t know, even though you have lived in Moscow for 35 years.

Root without a crown again on the link :) Relax, brother, it's okay :) and they're not a visitor, but who's also forty-year-old, who's indigenous. A normal living person is not able to explore in our terminology more than the surroundings of 10-15 metro stations.
I myself often ask the locals if something at an unknown station has to be sought, and the naphygator has failed. They answer polently, maybe because I ask polently. Or because I do not fit clearly to the crowned persons, if the expression on the rose, like the camel, let him camel further on his way, we are not in the way.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143932
You need to transfer 1 ruble to a friend's card to check if the card has already been unlocked. I think about the comment. Help choose: "To buy a jewel", "To be a stripper" or "Thank you for a nice night!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143931
Well, beautiful words say all sorts of things. Love me shortly.
YYY: Do you have to love you in sight?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143930
He talks to a familiar priest. To say goodbye, the father politely invites her to come to his temple on Easter. The epic answer:
But you, Daddy, will not be able to do it. You have a church as far away, right in the hell on the pebbles.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143929
You need to transfer 1 ruble to a friend's card to check if the card has already been unlocked. I think about the comment. Help choose: "To buy a jewel", "To be a stripper" or "Thank you for a nice night!"©
Thanks for the idea. We regularly exchange money at work. It will be a topic for Stubby.)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143928
In the working chat:

XXXX: I saw on my desk onkyo headphones.
XXYY: This is a Japanese audio company with a rich history, the best products were produced in the 80s
YYXX: A table is a piece of furniture provided by an employer as part of the first-floor workplace equipment program.
XYXY: See - the ability of a person to perceive the surrounding world and to navigate in space.
YXYX: headsets - devices for personal audio listening

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143927
During the service on the ship, I had a fellow servant named Kruk - this was the only term for the entire Black Sea Fleet, to which even officers addressed "Captain!“”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143926
When I was 10-11 years old, my grandmother decided that it would be cool to feed two goats in the summer. When the winter arrives, let them go. My grandmother wasn’t rural from the word “totally”, so the way of the livestock was very ternist.

The goats spent several hours in the apartment waiting for transportation to the country. During this time, they sucked up, eaten up all the textiles in the room, put on a pair of goat balls, and settled in my heart forever. I wore them, scratched them, and played with them. One was called a cowboy and the other a cowboy. As it turned out, goats are very intelligent animals and suitable for dressing, which I am pleased to do.

Both responded only to their names, not far from me, like dogs in general. The coolest thing was that they learned to "give the foot", that is, the kopito. My grandmother was delighted to show this trick to all her guests.

The summer passed as usual quickly, and I became more and more concerned about the destiny of my parnocopy friends. This was His Majesty’s case. During one of our trips to the city for food, the goats were simply stolen. My grandmother read, and I was crying. But I was reassured by the thought that they would live, the way is better so than on the dungeon...

As a result, in the winter with potatoes a delicious meat, and grandmother - Oscar for best drama role and thriller script.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143925
If you put an endless number of monkeys behind a typewriter, one of them will surely make a bitcoin.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna