— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143684
Judging by the TV advertisement of any cute girl on the street, who goes and smiles: monthly, drops, she endlessly pierces, removes her hair 24 hours a day and feeds her cavalier with packs of Viagra. And so many old fat babies are healthy as sailors before landing.

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143683
I got the idea of the game. Not even the game itself, but rather the concept. I am very annoyed in the games such moments - I agreed you will meet with one guy in a certain place. I went to perform a side quest. And you walk and walk around the game world, on the other end of the card visited, the beard grown, on three levels ripped, you come to the established place, and there this guy is waiting for you, like a cracked Hachiko and even in the sort never got out.
And what if the player ceases to be the pope of the earth and the one that determines the course of history. What if the events in the game will unfold on their own.
Here is the task to save the lady in trouble and there really need to run and save. And it’s not because everyone around the “run and save,” it’s been 1000 years like it doesn’t work. There is no need to rush if nothing changes from this in the story. Everyone knows that when you come to the place, you will see a certain video and it doesn’t matter if you ran out of all your legs or stopped to sleep, heal and eat.
Why don’t all the other heroes live their own lives? He ran faster, the lady was dragged into the basement. Delayed - she sits in the basement, stunned for a long time - she is already in torture telling your positions to the enemy. And if you actually hit the main story and somewhere scratched for a month, then you will come to the grave.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143682
In order for an ordinary European to get lost in the crowd, three Chinese are enough.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143681
A round fool is much more pleasant than a bone.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143680
Telepathy with the cosmos, or communication with external forces of good. The year 1991. My friend Marat and I (hello if you read) wrote reports about dismissal from the armed forces. How to get bread urgently. Looking for work. I found. Rostov-on-Don Theatre of Muse. and comedy. We were taken – a friend of the work scene, I am the head of the assembly shop. Working scenes people 5-6, all former "ballet" (at 30 or 35 years of retirement), all "drinkers". One of the workers named Felix, not a ballet worker, was as if not of this world. He probably had schizophrenia, quiet and not dangerous. At the full moon he spoke not as usual, that is, everything was right, but the look – he was scared. Just in an inexplicable way staying with him two was not something that was awful, but somehow referential. Felix was a beautiful man (the dream of any woman), under 2 meters, pumped, black curls, a mordacha of early Kirkorov, a polished speech, like a professor's son. He was the only worker who did not squeeze, did not drink alcoholic beverages, on whom you can always rely 100% that any task will be accomplished. And here one day the working day began with the fact that Felix put a motorcycle helmet on his head and worked in it almost the whole day, despite the fact that it was very hot from physical work, and from under the helmet the sweat licked. We treated his equipment calmly, not with a tail, but a little, another leap, without threatening the world around him. An hour before the end of the working day we raised a large detail of the decoration, which is attached to a healthy metal pipe (stanket), which is lowered and raised under the ceiling by hand with wires. So, the wire broke, and the entire structure from above crashed onto the stage. The dust, the dust. Luckily, everyone remained alive and almost healthy – a little bit hit the skin on the hands and faces, but the two got well: one worker’s wire hit the leg – a deep intersection, and the second (This was Felix!!!) – in the head, and if expressed in the legal language – in the casket!! in his head. Felix never wore a helmet again, and nothing fell from the ceiling. Felix was observed, not every angel from heaven sends SMS with instructions on survival.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143679
Putin does not use the internet, so the video from his vacation is placed on the first channel.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143678
News from Omsk. The mayor drew a pentagram and summoned Babkin to the City Day.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143677
xxx: As a child, I didn’t know the word “width” and so I called it “souls of cancers”, not understanding what my parents are talking about.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143676
They drove south, stopped the haishniki...In general, here is the "popular sign" for you: if the haishnica car has an open luggage compartment, then they take money. If not, they will either write a protocol or let go. They open the trunk so that the rear camera doesn’t see that they are taking the money.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143675
Nikirk2: For what I said to the psychotherapist at the annual medical examination, I like the work and I like the work. I was sent to a psychiatric hospital (psychiatric hospital).
A normal person does not like to work. A paid vacation and fun. There was also a positive moment. In the basement of the psycho found three machine tools, schoolchildren, one heavily crushed and two - very even nothing. The management of the psychiatrist was going to "treat" psychiatrists by working on tower machines. Probably very psychic. The stations were recycled by me and adapted to the case.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143674
If in the forest you met a lady with empty weddars, there are no fucks.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143673
An opponent of GMOs?
xxx is me?
xxx: boy, I have a mother specialized in organic chemistry in general and biochemistry in particular.
You will be surprised, but in the USSR there were children’s books (at least one) about genetic engineering (and from this book it clearly followed that in the USSR GMO bacteria were already fully derived, almost free of charge producing expensive human insulin).
xxx: I learned the word "deoxyribonucleic" before I learned to count to 100.
I am an opponent of GMOs.
No, the grass has not grown yet.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143672
I was in the electric car, and in front of me was a woman with a small child. He told her that he was playing at Minecraft, but there everything was in English, so he couldn’t understand everything. She asked him what “Minecraft” meant, and he replied that he didn’t know either. And then the ancient grandfather sitting next to me said that it was not in English, but in German and meant "my struggle."
I had to intervene and explain what this means, otherwise the guy would be deprived of the computer for 100 years.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143671
Childhood is when you are all day with a neighbor girl, and you have a headache, not hurt the penis.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143670

Agree - Agree
Angry – angry
Those who consider themselves to be highly intelligent slang carriers for some reason turned the second word into their "grit" and thought that the whole world should know about their strange preferences.

Camrad, go to the online translator, and open up for yourself the word "aggression". and homogeneous with him. Per you will stop stamping society "sweetly smart".

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143669
I underestimated the effects of the series. But a few days ago, two investigators came to our television company with a request to enlarge the car number from the video surveillance camera record so that it could be read. Well, just like in detectives, when a computer worker makes a 20-fold zoom on a number, and there from a pixel spot miraculously draw numbers and letters. To the astonishment of the installers, they said something like: do you not have such a program? They left upset. It looks like another deaf.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143668
Thank you to all lovers of good books who ask questions and answer them! Thanks to you, I have discovered many interesting authors. Great that you are!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143667
He got up early in the morning, went to the market and bought fresh lambs. The seller praised his meat, chose to look not very fat, and asked to break it into pieces. Cut, weighed, the butcher placed a small piece of meat in a barrel to round the amount. I go home. In the car, I felt a strange smell, but since my nose was stuck, I thought the smell was melting. Pulling the meat on the table in the kitchen, the wife says that the meat with the smell (worn out).

We begin to collect the pieces in a bag to bring it back, and here I notice that on the piece that I was placed in the blinds, the larvae of the shrimp bleach. Going to the market:

Have you sold meat?

Well I am.

It has a smell!

Can not be!

Well smell it.

It starts smelling meat.

Normal smell is the smell of meat.

and yes? What about the worms on it?

Where are they?

And so are they.

A A is it? So these are not worms, they are just larvae, if they bother you, now I will put them on you!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143666
Interview with a biologist:

Is GMO used for marketing?

and yes. You can find in the store even water and salt without GMOs. Neither there nor there are genes in principle. I watched Stas Mikhailov’s concert without GMOs. Better with GMO than with Stas Mikhailov.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143665
A husband plays a toy on a compass, asks (m - husband, I - I):
How is "Dick Wyce Hands" translated?
I: "dick with hands"? Are you sure?
m: yeah, "Dick Wyce Hands"
Herer with his hands.
I go to the monitor and look at it "dig with hands".
Dig – to dig

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